Wednesday, November 5, 2014

I read yesterday (10/08/2014) Roberto Da Matta, your text

Brazil - Throwing shit into the fan - Marcio VALLEY
This phrase, popularized by filmmaker Glauber Rocha in the 70s, particularly characterized the campaign for the second round of presidential fratricide elections in Brazil. It boils, these days, a media lynching of PT in the power of violence rarely seen, appropriately reinforced by "revelations" of shady characters on a system of corruption related to the Company Petrobras, which favor the PT (1). To better inflame the situation and make the debate more nauseating than it is already, the former president Fernando Henrique Cardoso (eminent fratricide sociologist in the past - sociologist - support the PSDB and its candidate Aécio Neves ) found nothing better than to qualify voters PT "misinformed" (2) and "troglodytes" (living fratricide in "grotões" - in the depths of caves NdT) targeting, thereby especially the people of Northern and North-eastern Brazil, the traditional support of the PT (3). This output resulted fratricide in the Brazilian social networks (not conspicuous by their temperance and know live is the least we can say) a campaign fratricide of hatred against "nordestinos" (4). Two days later, on October 8, anthropologist Roberto da Matta, which has been more inspired, but it was there a long time (5), published in the newspaper O Globo a forum in which, among other watchwords, he called for "defenestrate the PT power" (6). In the context of current hate to use such an expression is not far from the call to murder. Marcio Valley, public servant and Brazilian fratricide blogger, published an open letter in response lightening Roberto da Matta, which is translated below. A PUNCH IN THE ARROGANCE OF THE SELECTIVE VISION SO-CALLED INTELLECTUAL (OR OPEN LETTER TO ROBERTO DA MATTA ANTHROPOLOGIST by Marcio Valley.
I read yesterday (10/08/2014) Roberto Da Matta, your text "A punch in the omnipotence", where you argue that the PT must be "defenestrated of power" and in which you reveal have reduce your anxiety felt by seeing Aécio reach the second round of elections. According to you, Aécio, having "found its role and tone" and "its tranquility" bring Brazil the "discovery of the agreement to all and continuity of progress."
I felt an enormous sadness at the end of this reading. I have always respected you and your thoughts. Your text has meant to me, in fact, a highly destructive fist blow, not to the omnipotence of the PT, but for that of the anthropologist Roberto Da Matta, I never thought to abdicate intelligence for a cause.
Except for disclosing my writings, I take little fratricide Facebook, because I realize that there are in social networks is a huge shortage of intelligent and rational discussion regarding the Brazilian political problems. These are just irrational screaming, which repeated platitudes content that flies tidal daisies. In these discussions where the dialectic is nonexistent, the opposite view is impossible, because it is immediately seen as an insult. The aim is therefore only to impose its own vision and push aggressively every thought that is contrary to this view. The insulting expressions most commonly used are "petralhas" (pétraleries or scoundrels PT - PT mix and canalhas), "tucanalhas" (or tucanailleries tucanas scoundrels - the toucan symbol of PSDB), "privataria" (privaterie) "coxinha" (pejorative term: conservative, politically correct, very concerned about his image (and his car), who spends hours at the academy etc ... in short, the young frica completely illiterate who would like to lead Brazil NdT) and, surprise, surprise, "lulopétisme," the same phrase as used by you, an intellectual.
In social networks, I try to raise the use of these slogans fundamentalist trend that lead to division and conflict, because I'm not insensitive to the fact that such use is generally due to lack of ability to access a culture of high-level discussion. However, when I realize that even "literary" style is handled by people who devR

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