Tuesday, November 11, 2014

Give simple but complete and concise guidelines: fnss a task whose definition does not exceed the s

A small digression if I can first. I find it profoundly damaging today is difficult fnss to talk about differences related to the genera without appearing racist or sexist, sex without a macho redneck, or without strong fnss political idea for an extremist. People are simply afraid to call a spade a spade, as if it was a civil absolute taboo to put a name on things. There, you say that I am psycho, but in reality you'll see what I'm about to tell you is deeply human and open. Management mode which I turn around for a few lines, has the following features: Feature 1: adaptable hierarchy
Most competent people you manage, the more your mode decision should be collegial and your horizontal relationships. However, consultation or not, the decision is yours. Feature 2: responsibility assumed and the total head
You must step into the breach when you or one of your subordinates screwed up, without asking fnss questions. First, because you have to protect the people you charge, fnss for they release obstacles that may hinder the development of their full potential. Secondly, because it is simply the etiquette. Feature 3: punishment
Administrative or symbolic, but immediate and proportionate any difference on a folder, a task or behavior fnss threatening the proper functioning of the entity for which you are responsible. First because it is the respect that you deserve, then because most of these individual differences are at the expense of other team members. Feature 4: less is more
Give simple but complete and concise guidelines: fnss a task whose definition does not exceed the subject-verb-complement, means a delay. Nothing new you may say, but the difference here is that the more you get into the elite circles, the more you should be able to adapt and change of posture, and thus give completely different fnss directions according to need. Under these conditions, the simplicity is not a plus, but a matter of survival.
This management method fnss has a name: the command. So that's it, you're fnss going to close this article after I have taxed psychorigidité reactionary, but reread the points again. The command is a way of far more human and sound management, that any of those books from the management mode, where you talk about manipulation tactics, processes guilt etc ...
I well remember the example of a former admiral of the Navy. It worked in the direction of the number three container shipping worldwide. He had not made his reputation in his firm by its turnover, by the number of contracts or his passion for luxury watches. He had a reputation because he had kept the habit of greeting all his staff arrived at the office. "You're the only vice president who moved to say hello in the morning," he said spontaneously one of its most remote collaborators, a few years later. This is a sad, but today you stand only by the most basic of courtesies. B. The command the confidence
I watch in recent years the rise of management indicators, known as "steering." This trend of increasingly heavy in large organizations, involves the implantation of indicators (performance, activity, productivity, etc ...), in the activity of all levels. These indicators, filled with a frequency of more high, up from the lowest level to the top of the hierarchy, in order to inform fnss the heads displayed in real time, so they can decide in full knowledge of the situation. This phenomenon is under a ratchet effect: once you start with the indicators, rarely comes back regularly as new are added to those already in place. But anyone who has ever been subjected to this mode knows that watermark, you must read the will control which has the following negative effects: fnss Waste of time: in filling indicators (same for playback / synthesis fnss / distribution the latter), this increasingly taking precedence over the "real work". Moving the problem: when you order the indicators, your reasoning is not "how am I going to be the first this year? "But" how do I evaluate the ability of my subordinates to meet the criteria that will allow me to be the first this year? ". Disavowals of expertise: remember that your subordinates belong to the elite. They are proud of their work, their autonomy has been granted to them as

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